Mock Test

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1. The tendency to form polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by pyrosynthesis is highest in which group of compounds ?

(A) Olefins

(B) Cyclo-olefins

(C) Aromatics

(D) Paraffin

2. Match the List I and II

List – I                                                        List – II

a) Submerged                                            i) Vallisneria

b) Floating                                                  ii) Azolla

c) Rooted and                                            iii) Hydrilla


d) Semi-aquatic                                          iv) Typha latifolia

Identify the correct code :

Codes :

a b c d

(A) iii ii iv i

(B) iv iii i ii

(C) iii ii i iv

(D) iv iii ii i

3. Assertion (A) : At each transfer of energy from one level to another level, a major

part of the energy is lost as heat.

Reason (R) : The energy flow is greatly reduced at each successive trophic

level from producer to herbivores.

Identify the correct code :

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true


4. Secondary pollutants like ozone, PAN, HNO3 and H2SO4 formed from primary

pollutants are more toxic than primary pollutants. This phenomenon of increased toxicity in pollutants is called


(A) Biomagnification

(B) Eutrophication

(C) Green house effect

(D) Synergism


5. Industrial air pollution is a


(A) Diffuse source

(B) Area sources

(C) Point source

(D) Non-point source

6. Which of the monument is threatened by sulfur dioxide in India ?


(A) Char-Minar

(B) Golgumbuz

(C) Taj Mahal

(D) Vaishnavi Temple


7. How many types of Biomedical wastes are categorized by the Ministry of Environment and Forests ?

(A) 51

(B) 14

(C) 16

(D) 12


8. Soil erosion is controlled by

(A) Afforestation

(B) Natural vegetation

(C) Farm forestry

(D) Agroforestry


9. Present concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is

(A) 220 ppm

(B) 360 ppm

(C) 280 ppm

(D) 390 ppm


10. Which of the following are the biodivesity hot spots in India ?

a) Western Ghats

b) Eastern Ghats

c) Eastern Himalaya

d) Western Himalaya

e) Sundarbans

f) Nicobar

Identify the correct code :

Codes :

(A) a, c, d, f

(B) a, b, c, d

(C) a, c, e, f

(D) b, c, d, e


11. Which of the following instrument is used for determination of energy in biological

materials ?


(A) Colorimeter

(B) Bomb Calorimeter

(C) Spectro Photometer

(D) Flame Photometer


12. Match the List I and II


List – I List – II

a) Biomass energy               i) Decomposition of organic matter

b) Hot springs                      ii) Geothermal energy

c) OTEC                               iii) Ocean energy

d) Solar energy                    iv) Photovoltaic energy

Identify the correct code :

Codes :

a b c d

(A) iv iii ii i

(B) i ii iii iv

(C) ii iii iv i

(D) iii i ii iv


13. Environmental problems in India are due to

a) lack of sound environmental legal regime

b) lack of environmental enforcement at local level

c) lack of environmental awareness

Identify the correct code :

Codes :

(A) a, b, c, are correct

(B) a and b are correct

(C) b and c are correct

(D) a and c are correct


14. Which one of the following is expendable natural resources ?

(A) Water

(B) Biological resource

(C) Oil and natural gas

(D) Forest resource


15. Which of the following is a social insect ?

(A) Grass hoppers

(B) Cockroaches

(C) Butter flies

(D) Honey bees


16. Air particulates cause

(A) Yellowing of leaves

(B) Coiling of leaves

(C) Closure of stomata

(D) Permanent opening of stomata

Check your score at the end of quiz. These question are very important for any Exams you are going to appear for.