"Education is not a preparation for life; education is life itself." - John Dewey "The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet." - Aristotle "The highest education is that which doesn't merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence." - Rabindranath Tagore "It is the lot of man to share in the deeper aspirations of the universe around him and to share his own destiny as well as that of the universe, now by adjusting himself to its forces, now by putting the whole of his energy to his own ends and purposes." - Sir Muhammad Iqbal (RA) Image NEW JKPSC Assistant Professor Previous Year Papers PDF | NEW Syllabus for the post of Assistant Professor Renewable Energy in Higher Education Department published by JKPSC | NEW Syllabus for Post of Assistant professor in Environmental science JKPSC - 2023 in Higher Education Department | NEW Top 10 questions of Environmental Science in 2023-2024



Response measures are those taken immediately after receiving early warning, anticipating an impending disaster, or post-disaster in cases where an event occurs without warning. The primary goal of response to a disaster is saving lives, protecting property, environment, and meeting basic needs of human and other living beings after the disaster. The immediate focus will be on search and rescue of those affected and to evacuate those likely to be affected by the disaster or secondary  disaster that is likely to happen. In the section on response, roles, function and responsibilities of ministries and agencies that have a key role to play are described. Since contexts, knowledge base, and technologies change, DM plans must be updated periodically to reflect any changes in the key roles envisaged to particular ministries or agencies. At the national level, the central government has assigned nodal responsibilities to specific ministries for coordinating disaster-specific responses. The NDMA will be coordinating with relevant nodal ministry. The disaster-specific nodal ministry will ensure liaison with the state government where the disaster has occurred and coordination among various relevant ministries and departments to provide quick and efficient response. The state government will activate the Incident Response  Teams (IRT) at state, district, or the block level as required. The IRTs will coordinate with the state EOC. The SDMA1 (or its equivalent, CoR, or Dept. of Revenue) will provide technical support to the response.

Different central ministries and departments will provide emergency support to the response effort as per request from the State Government. It may be noted that the SDMA, Department of Revenue or Commissioner of Relief (as applicable) is the nodal agency for coordination of disaster response. The various agencies whose  responsibilities are defined in detailed DM plans for the state and district will be responsible specific response measures. The DDMA is the nodal agency for coordination of response at district level supported by other district level agencies. The department wise specific activities at central ministries and state government are summarised in matrix providing clarity to the roles and responsibilities of various agencies.

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